A Clean Sweep!

anti spamMy wife and I have just spent the weekend on the obligatory spring chores that follow a season of skiing. Winter was long (the skiing was excellent) and the chores have piled up. It’s funny how you can intentionally overlook those things that are right in front of you that need to be addressed.  Perhaps this notion of spring cleaning isn’t on the top of my list of preferred activities!

However, spring cleaning seems like a good metaphor (at least it does to me) for the messes that we all accumulate in our respective businesses. Dan Sullivan of The Strategic Coach talks about Entrepreneurial Time. In this construct, every 24 hours is comprised of three segments: focus time; buffer time and free time.

He describes focus time as the period in which we work on those activities that move our business forward, in whatever way we define it. Free time is that time in which we are not doing any work related activities whatsoever. Buffer time is the remaining time that we use to get ready for great focus or free time activities or it is the time we use to clean up our messes.

Spending some time in buffer mode will enable us to resolve some outstanding issues/problems/concerns. We’ll feel good when we get to say Done! We’ll also be positioning ourselves for some excellent focus or free time.

We have just entered into the second quarter of 2014 and most of us have likely accumulated a few messes.  While they may not be fun to resolve, some number of them will likely grow in importance if they are left unattended for too long.

What are we waiting for??



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