BIZBUZZ: Robert Michel: Strategy Pure & Simple

Hi, I’m Gary Brown a FocalPoint business coach.

Welcome to episode 15 of BIZBUZZ.

I stimulate conversations in order to challenge business owners to Be Different and to Act Boldly.

The following video highlights some content from Strategy Pure & Simple, written by Robert Michel.  This is a book that is  about strategy development.

I’ve chosen to comment on Strategy Pure & Simple, a book written by Robert Michel that deals with strategy development.

I am going to comment on three ideas that are developed by Michel.

The first is that profit is the outcome of strategy, not its objective. I think that this bears repeating. Profit is not the objective of strategy but rather the outcome. This is interesting to me because I think that most of us assume that profit is the brass ring that we all chase.

Secondly, Michel refers to ten strategic areas that need to be considered. They are:

1. Product/service concept

2. User/customer class

3. Market type/category

4. Production capacity/capability

5. Technology/know-how

6. Sales/marketing method

7. Distribution method

8. Natural resources

9. Size/growth

10. Return/profit

He contends that generally one of these ten strategic areas will be the one that propels a company towards it future success.

My third choice is humourous but nevertheless salient. That is that the ability of people to execute a CEO’s strategy is inversely proportionate to the length of the strategic statement. This is clearly a case of less is more.

Well, that’s it for Strategy Pure & Simple.

Thanks for watching.

Your comments are always welcome.

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