Aim Higher. Be Different.

We are now into week two of the 2014 Olympics in Sochi, Russia.

If you are Canadian, you are likely one of many holding our collective breath to see how we do in such events as ice hockey, curling and skating.  Naturally, the team or individual that wins a given event will have to be the best on the day of that particular competition.

In my mind, competition is not only about being better, but also about being different.

Those athletes who are measured both quantitatively and qualitatively, such as figure skaters, are judged better when they are different.  The chosen degree of difficulty, the music selected and the energy brought to the routine all contribute to the skaters being different.  Like all Olympians, the skaters’ goal is to be stronger, faster, more agile and more focused.  They push themselves to be more daring; to use every reserve of energy.  They push themselves to be better; to be DIFFERENT.

And they train relentlessly.

The gold and bronze medals manufactured for the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi are seen on display at the Adamas jewellery factory in Moscow

What are we ‘business athletes’ doing to be DIFFERENT from our competitors?  Do we spend time thinking about and then implementing the steps that we might take to wow our customers?  Are we focusing our efforts on providing a customer experience that far exceeds ‘meeting expectations’?

Like the Olympians, our business efforts are being judged.  Our performance standard is set by our competitors.  But, the judge in our case is every single customer and every single prospect.

If we are not being DIFFERENT in our businesses, how do we stand apart from our competitors?  How do we get chosen?

Fundamentally, it is a choice that we make.

What choice are you making?

Olympic Lessons

We are in the thick of week one of the 2014 Olympics.  There have been numerous highs, lots of thrilling competition, some moments of despair and lots of smiling faces.  In spite of the controversy that led up to the beginning of these games, the general impression seems to be overwhelmingly positive.

It strikes me that these games are the source of a tremendous amount of inspiration.  While you might think that I’m suggesting that you immediately get off the couch and start your knee bends and toe touching, I actually have something else in mind.

Here is what I’m thinking.  The athletes exhibit a number of common characteristics or habits that contribute to their ultimate success in qualifying to compete in the Olympic Games.  These characteristics are worth emulating if we want to maximize the likelihood of succeeding in our businesses.  Specifically, I would identify the following attributes as noteworthy:

1.  The commitment to excellence

2. Passion

3. Goal attainment

4. Consistency

5. Perseverance

I also think that some other worthy characteristics get displayed during the games and we’ve seen some of these already.  My list would include:

a) Empathy

b) Humility

c) Compassion

d) Team before individual

During the next ten days, we’ll continue to witness events and happenings that will make us proud of our athletes and their accomplishments.  We’ll see the ‘other guy’ win when he or she deserves the victory.  We’ll know that preparation and fortitude contributed to the outcomes and we’ll be amazed.

But, before the last flake of snow or chip of ice has settled, I’d suggest that we should all reflect upon the above characteristics and decide how we would feel if they were part of our daily businesses.  What kind of outcomes would be possible for us in our respective businesses if we prepared the way an Olympic athlete prepares?  If we displayed a similar passion?  If perseverance was one of our watchwords?

Is a gold medal performance something that we hope for in our businesses or is it something that we are actively striving towards?  The choice is ours.